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I will try to keep a calendar here of my speaking engagements. Currently some of them are tentative. I will update as I get them finalized.

Tentative Schedule through the end of the year. Some links are provided and details for venues and times will be posted on those as they become available.

25 February 2023    Sustainable Beekeepers Guild of Michigan, MI, online.
3-5 March 2023    Beefest, Jacksonville FL
19-24 May 2023    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
24-30 May 2023    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
4-9 March 2024    Beefest, Jacksonville FL
11 March 2024    Ulster County NY, Beekeepers' Asc.
18-22 May 2024    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
23-27 May 2024    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE

30 May 2024    Mount Diablo Bkeepers Asc., Pleasant Hill, CA, Zoom
3-5 Oct 2024    Florida State Beekeepers Association
10-12 Oct 2024    South Mississippi (details to come)
25-27 Oct 2024    Virgina Beekeepers Asc.,
2 Nov 2024    Plymouth County Beekeepers Asc. MA (tentative)

Speaker Fees

I am available to speak most any weekend I'm not scheduled already if we can work it out so I don't miss work. Currently I am working Monday through Thursday. I may be able to fly out on a Thursday night if a club or group of clubs wanted to do something on Friday and then Saturday.

The question that comes up, of course, is what my fees are. I wish this were simple to answer, but it's not. First, let me say if you think it's not in your budget give me a call and we will see what we can work out.

There are things that we can do to reduce my costs and time and therefore the fee. For instance, if you schedule something where I'm already in the area and I don't have to spend a day travelling to get there and another travelling to get back, it saves me two days and it may save you some on the expense of paying my transportation. There are, however complications with this. Since I only have weekends it will depend on airline schedules etc. how doable it is.

Keep in mind, also, I have found that when people pay me to come they often feel taken advantage of when someone else cashes in on my presence without sharing the cost and possibly competes with their event (i.e. people may go to the other event to hear me rather than theirs, and I'm only there because they paid my way). I find it works better if the two parties that want to share my presence in the area work out the details rather than with me. Then they can arrive at something they think is fair as far as sharing the expenses and the benefits without anyone feeling taken advantage of. It is also helpful to make such arrangements quickly if you see I am going to be in the area as it is expensive to change dates on plane tickets and the cost benefit drops.

A day whether travelling or presenting costs me the same as far as my time and work. As far as room and board, I'm more than happy, and would actually usually prefer to stay with some beekeeper who doesn't mind staying up all night talking bees, and will feed me, rather than a hotel and restaurants. Part of my dilemma, of course, is that I don't want to price my time so high that I miss something I could have otherwise done, but at the same time, especially during queen rearing season, it could cost me more than I make to speak. If I miss a round of queens, it could be pretty significant income that I could have otherwise made. So my base price here is different for "queen rearing season" than "not queen rearing season". Also I am assuming that I will be allowed a table somewhere to sell my books (some written by me and some not). Since I got booked up all through queen rearing last year, I'm raising that price this year to hopefully keep my queen rearing season open for queen rearing. Also I need at least a week to get ready for Bee Camp so I need to keep the weekend before my "work week" clear.

As far as what I am available to do, I can do as many presentations as you like while I'm there (within reason of course). I often start at 9am and run to 5 or 6pm. I can do seminars on queen rearing or hands on demonstrations on any topic if you can provide the bees and the equipment.

So my fee per day (whether travelling or presenting) is:
Apr 20 through August 30: $400
Sept 1 through Apr 20: $175

As an example, a typical seminar might be two days travelling and one day presenting. That comes to 3 days. In queen rearing season that is $1,200 total plus travel expenses (airline tickets, etc.). In the off season that is $525 total plus travel expenses.

Travel can be lowest air fare that fits my schedule or IRS mileage (I prefer to drive if it's 500 miles or less so I can take boxes of books). You should probably plan on me flying out 12-24 hours in advance to minimize cancellation issues by airlines.

Here are the presentations I've done and could easily do again. If you have something else you would like, let me know.

I've been speaking fairly regularly at bee conferences since 2004. Here are some past speaking engagements back to 2012:

01 Jun 2012 Clarkson KY
03 Jun 2012 Nashville, TN
09 Jun 2012 Chicago IL
05 Jul 2012 CSU Extension Office at 1525 Blue Spruce Drive 7pm, Ft. Collins CO
07 Jul 2012 Albuquerque NM
08 Jul 2012 Truchas, NM
12-14 Jul 2012 HAS, St. Louis, MO
19 Jul 2012 Falmouth, ME
24 Jul 2012 Plymouth County, MA
24-29 Jul 2012 Leominster, MA
30-31 Jul 2012 Manassas, VA
01 Aug 2012 Richmond, VA
02 Aug 2012 Blacksburg, VA
03 Aug 2012 Kearneyville, WV
04 Aug 2012 Winston Salem, NC
05 Aug 2012 Charlotte, NC
06-11 Aug 2012 Asheville, NC
05-10 Oct 2012 LA, CA
13 Oct 2012 Portland, ME
16-17 Nov 2012 Syracuse, NY
10 Feb 2013 Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild's 3rd Annual Natural Beekeeping Symposium, Philadelphia, PA
23 Feb 2013 The St. Louis Beekeepers and Three Rivers Beekeepers, St. Louis, MO
1-3 Mar 2013 6th Annual Organic Beekeepers Mtg, Oracle, AZ
9 Mar 2013 Bluegrass Beekeeping School, Frankfort, KY
16 Mar 2013 Mid-Atlantic Organic Honey Bee Convention, Richmond, VA
22-23 Mar 2013 Big Bee Buzz 2013, Tulsa, OK
5-7 Apr 2013 St. Croix, US VI
19 Apr 2013 Utah County Beekeepers Association,Salt Lake City, UT
10 Aug 2013 Chicago, IL
7 Sep 2013 Palm Beach County Beekeepers, West Palm Beach, FL
14 Sep 2013 Puget Sound Beekeeper's Association
5 Oct 2013 Washington State Beekeepers, Federal Way, WA
19 Oct 2013 Cook Dupage Beekeepers Association, Chicago IL
2 Nov 2013 Ohio State Beekeepers Association, OH
8 Nov 2013 Indiana Beekeepers' Fall Conference at Cliffty Falls State Park
15 Nov 2013 Central Jersey Beekeepers Association, Freehold, NJ
16-17 Nov 2013 Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, Durham, NC
22 Feb 2014 Kalamazoo Bee Club, Kalamazoo, MI
28 Feb-2 Mar 2014 Oracle Treatment Free Conference, Oracle, AZ
15 Mar 2014 Four Corners Bee Club, Durango, CO
19 Apr 2014 Pikes Peak Beekeepers Association, Colo Springs
23 May - 8 Jun 2014 Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
3 Oct 2014 Florida Beekeepers Association, West Palm Beach, FL
11 Oct 2014 Alameda County Bee Association, Oakland, CA
18 Oct 2014 Richmond Beekeepers Association, Vancouver, BC
25 Oct 2014 Olympia Beekeepers Association, Olympia, WA
6 Dec 2014 Eco Bee Box, Sandy, UT
31 Jan 2015 Clark County Beekeepers Asc., Portland, OR
7 Feb 2015 Nebraska Sustainable Ag. Society, Omaha, NE
28 Feb-2 Mar 2015 Treatment Free Conference, Oracle, AZ
7 Mar 2015 Highlands Beekeepers, Abingdon, VA
13-14 Mar 2015 Michigan Beekeepers' Association 150th anniversary
21 Mar 2015 Alameda County Bee Asc., Oakland, CA
28 Mar 2015 University of Utah, Salt Lake City
4 Apr 2015 Bee Thinking, Portland, OR
11 Apr 2015 Central Wisconsin Beekeepers' Asc., Wausau WI
18 Apr 2015 Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers Asc., Augusta County, VA
25 Apr 2015 Spokane Honey Company, Spokane, WA
22 May-07 Jun 2015 Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
18-19 Sep 2015 Georgia Beekeepers Asc., Milledgevill
22-23 Jan 2016 Iowa Lakes Community College, Spirit Lake Campus
28 Jan 2016 Alaska Treatment-Free Beekeeping Symposium, Palmer, AK
12-13 Feb 2016 Iowa Lakes Community College, Spirit Lake Campus
26-28 Feb 2016 Oracle Treatment Free Conference, Oracle, AZ
5 Mar 2016 Shelby County Beekeepers Asc., Montevallo, AL
12 Mar 2016 Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers Asc., Augusta County, VA
19 Mar 2016 Alameda County Bee Asc., Oakland, CA
20 Mar 2016 Sonoma County Bee Asc., Santa Rosa, CA
2 Apr 2016 Western Arkansas Eastern Oklahoma Bee Asc., Fort Smith, AR
9 Apr 2016 West Virgina Beekeepers Asc., Charleston, WV
15-16 Apr 2016 Ontario Beekeeper’s Asc., Toronto, Canada
23 Apr 2016 Gorge Beekeeper, Hood River, OR
24 Apr 2016 Portland Urban Beekeepers, OR
13-19 May 2016 Work week for Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
20 May-3 Jun 2016 Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
19-21 Aug 2016 Southern California Natural Beekeeping Conference (HoneyLove), Pasadena, CA
7-9 Oct 2016 The Southern Illinois Treatment-free Beekeeping Seminar, Carbondale, IL
22 Oct 2016 New Castle County Beekeepers, Webinar, DE
28-29 Oct 2016 Oklahoma State Beekeepers Asc., OKC OK
6 Nov 2016 Bee Natural Caretakers, Ontairo Canada, Webinar
20 Jan 2017   Three Pines Farm, Cedar Falls, IA
21 Jan 2017   Central Iowa Beekeeping Asc, Des Moines, IA
27 Jan 2017   Alaska Treatment-Free Beekeeping Symposium, Palmer, AK
5 Feb 2017   Bee Natural Caretakers, Ontario, CAN
12 Feb 2017   Loess Hills Beekeeping Asc./Omaha Bee Club
18 Feb 2017   Western Osage County Beekeepers' Asc.,Osage Cove, OK
25-26 Feb 2017   Walworth County Bee Keepers Club, East Troy, WI
3-5 Mar 2017   10th Annual Organic Beekeepers Mtg, Oracle AZ
11 Mar 2017   Gateway Beekeepers Asc., King George, VA
18 Mar 2017   Outer Banks BeeKeepers' Guild, Kitty Hawk, NC
30 Mar 2017   Beekeepers' Guild of San Mateo County, Los Altos, CA
1 Apr 2017   Alameda County Beekeepers Asc., Oakland, CA
2 Apr 2017   Beekeepers' Guild of San Mateo County, Los Altos, CA
22 Apr 2017   BG Bees, Hood River OR
4-12 May 2017   Spring Work Week for Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
12-21 May 2017   Spring Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
21 Sept 2017   Polk Burnett Beekeepers Asc., Amery Classic Theatre, Amery, WI
30 Sept 2017   Toe Cane Beekeepers Asc. Burnsville, NC
6 Oct 2017   The Southern Illinois Treatment-free Beekeeping Seminar, Carbondale, IL
4 Nov 2017   Alameda County Beekeepers Asc., Oakland, CA
11-13 Jan 2018   Great Plains Growers Conference, St. Joe, MO
5 Feb 2018   Webinar, Bee Natural Caretakers, Ontario, CAN
17 Feb 2018   Webinar, Sweden
24 Feb 2018   NC Bee Education & Training, Smithfield, NC, for info and tickets email info4beti@earthlink.net
2-4 Mar 2018   11th Annual Organic Beekeepers Mtg, Oracle AZ
9-10 Mar 2018   LaCrosse Area Beekeepers, LaCrosse, WI
17 Mar 2018   Montgomery County Beekeepers Asc, KS
22 Mar 2018   Beefest 2018 (not speaking, just attending), Jacksonville FL
7 Apr 2018   Atlantic Gardening Company, Raleigh, NC
15 Apr 2018   Webinar, Westport Beekeepers Club, County Mayo Ireland
6-12 May 2018   Spring Work Week for Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
13-19 May 2018   Spring Bee Camp at Michael Bush's, Nehawka, NE
22 Sept 2018   Humbolt County Beekeepers Asc, Humboldt County, CA
5-7 Oct 2018   Palm Beach County Beekeepers Asc
27 Oct 2018   Trinity Valley & Metro Beekeepers Associations, Dallas/Ft. Worth
10 Jan 2019    Great Plains Growers Conference
31 Jan 2019    New Mexico State Beekeepers Asc., Albequerque, NM
9-10 Feb 2019    Appalachian Homesteaders Asc., Rogersville, TN
15 Mar 2019    BeeFest 2019, Jacksonville, FL
21-23 Mar 2019    Honey Convention, Knoxville, TN
29-31 Mar 2019    Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Asc., Johnstown, NY
12-18 May 2019    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
19-25 May 2019    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
17 Aug 2019    World Honeybee Day, Pickens, SC
12 Oct 2019    MarkTwainBeekeepers@gmail.com Salem, MO
26 Oct 2019    North Central Pennsylvania Beekeepers Asc. Coudersport, PA
19-20 Jan 2020    HoneyLove, USC Los Angeles CA
22 Feb 2020    Heart of Illinois Beekeepers Asc., Peoria, IL
29 Feb 2020    South Carolina Beekeepers' Asc., Columbia, SC
5 Mar and 8 Mar 2020    San Mateo Beekeepers, San Mateo, CA
20-22 Mar 2020    BeeFest 2020, Jacksonville, FL
10-16 May 2020    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
17-23 May 2020    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
5 Sept 2020   Forsyth County Beekeepers Asc., Winston-Salem NC
8 November 2020   Beekeeping made simple. Podcast.
21 November 2020   Natural Beekeeping Conference, Moscow Russia, webinar
2 March 2021    Urban Toronto Beekeepers Assoc., Toronto, Webinar
9-15 May 2021    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
16-22 May 2021    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
20 May 2021    Hays County Beekeepers World Bee Day, webinar
13 July 2021    Gulf Coast Beekeepers, Naples FL, Webinar
17 July 2021    ABC Bees, AB, Can, Webinar
16 February 2022    Mt Baker Beekeepers Association, Whatcom County, WA, online.
5 March 2022    Sustainable Beekeepers Guild of Michigan, MI, online.
12 March 2022    Chester County Beekeepers Association, PA, online.
18-20 March 2022    Beefest, Jacksonville FL
21 March 2022    Jacksonville Beekeepers Association, Jacksonville FL
8-14 May 2022    Work week for Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
15-21 May 2022    Bee Camp, Nehawka, NE
5 June 2022    Bees without borders, online
19 July 2022    Almeda County Beekeepers Asc., online
18-21 August 2022    Travis County Beekeepers Asc., Austin TX
1 October 2022    Honey Bee Expo, West Palm Beach, FL
15 October 2022    Appalachian Bee Club, Jonesborough, TN

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