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english, español, deutsche, português, Glossary of Common Abbreviations
ABJ = American Bee Journal. One of the two main bee magazines in the USA. AFB = American Foulbrood (or Air Force Base) AHB = Africanized Honey Bees AM = Apis mellifera. (European honey bees) AMM = Apis mellifera mellifera APV = Acute Paralysis Virus. This virus kills both adult bees and brood. BC = Bee Culture aka Gleanings in Bee Culture. One of the two main Beekeeping magazines in the USA BPMS = Bee Parasitic Mite Syndrome Bt = Bacillus thuringiensis. A naturally occurring bacteria that is sprayed on empty comb to kill wax moths. Carni = Carniolan Cauc = Caucasian CB = Checkerboarding (aka Nectar Management) CCD = Colony Collapse Disorder CPV = Chronic Paralysis Virus CW = Conventional Wisdom DCA = Drone Congregation Area DVAV = Dorsal-Ventral Abdominal Vibrations dance DWV = Deformed Wing Virus EAS = Eastern Apiculture Society EFB = European Foulbrood EHB = European Honey Bees FGMO = Food Grade Mineral Oil FWIW = For What It's Worth. FWOF = Floor With Out a Floor HAS = Heartland Apiculture Society HBH = Honey Bee Healthy HBTM = Honey Bee Tracheal Mite HFCS = High Fructose Corn Syrup. A common bee feed. HSC = Honey Super Cell (Fully drawn plastic comb in deep depth and 4.9mm cell size) HMF = Hydroxymethyl furfural. A naturally occurring compound in honey that rises over time and rises when honey is heated. IAPV = Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. The virus currently being blamed for CCD IPM = Integrated Pest Management IMHO = In My Humble Opinion IMO = In My Opinion IMPOV = In My Point Of View KTBH = Kenya Top Bar Hive (one with sloped sides) KBV = Kashmir Bee Virus LC = Large Cell (5.4mm cell size) LGO = Lemon Grass (essential) Oil (used for swarm lure) MAAREC = Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium NM = Nectar Managment (aka Checkerboarding) or New Mexico depending on the context NWC = New World Carniolans OA = Oxalic Acid. An organic acid used to kill Varroa as either a syrup or vaporized. OAV = Oxalic Acid Vapor. An organic acid vaporized to kill Varroa. OSR = Oil Seed Rape (aka Canola). A crop that is raised to produce oil which also produces honey. OMF = Open Mesh Floor aka Screened Bottom Board PC = PermaComb (Fully drawn plastic comb in medium depth and about 5.0mm cell size) PDB = Para Dichloro Benzene (aka Paramoth wax moth treatment)
PF-100 and PF-120 = Not so much an acronym but could be mistaken for one. A small cell one piece plastic frame available from Mann Lake. Measures 4.95mm cell size. Users report excellent acceptance and perfectly drawn cells. PMS = Parasitic Mite Syndrome PPB = Piss Poor Beekeeping QMP = Queen Mandibular Pheromone SBB = Screened Bottom Board aka Open Mesh Floor SBV = Sac Brood Virus SC = Small Cell (4.9mm cell size or South Carolina) SHB = Small Hive Beetle SMR = Suppressed Mite Reproduction (usually referring to a queen) TBH = Top Bar Hive TM = Terramycin or Tracheal Mites depending on the context T-Mites = Tracheal Mites TTBH = Tanzanian Top Bar Hive (one with vertical sides) ULBN = Unlimited Brood Nest VD = Varroa destructor VJ = Varroa jacobsoni V-Mites = Varroa Mites VSH = Varroa Sensitive Hygiene. Similar to and appears to be a more specific name for the SMR trait. A trait in queens that is being bred for where the workers sense Varroa infested cells and clean them out. YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary Michael Bush Copyright 2006 by Michael Bush |